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Somewhere in the Pacific

Posted by on February 6, 2017

April 17, 1945: Dad has finally left the continental United States and is on his way to his next assignment. He writes a short letter home while aboard a troop transport ship. For the most part, I am transcribing it in its entirety below. At the top of the letter he writes, “Somewhere in the Pacific”.

He writes of a few incidents that occur on the way to his new station. “Sometimes during the trip a small puppy dog wandered in. I don’t know where he came from, but he certainly feels lively and didn’t get seasick either. I’m wondering how long he is going to hang around. Must be a sea-dog.”

At no time did I make a refund to Davey Jones on the food I ate, although at one time I did feel lousy.

I’ve attended Mass and also took part in the Sacraments of Confession and Communion. Today’s Mass was offered for the intentions of our parents at home. According to our Chaplain, Mass on every Tuesday will be offered for that intention. I know ma will appreciate that a lot.

I’ve got a book I bought while in the States which helps me pass away the time.

Various incidentals have been made available to us during the journey, such as candy & toilet articles at our PX.

Excuse the handwriting, as this letter is being written while the true version of ‘Over the Waves’ is going on outside.

This is just a small letter to let you know I’m O.K.

God Bless you,
Your son, brother & uncle,

Typical sleeping quarters aboard a WWII troop transport ship. Photo credit:

I leave you with a period performance of Over the Waves.

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